But like most women, I also shed a lot. I have been frequently amazed at the fact I'm not bald because of the amount of hair I can lose in a day.
That's not the case at the moment. Apparently my pregnancy hormones are in full gear because the last couple of weeks, the amount of hair I shed has dropped drastically. I have a hair cut scheduled for the middle of July, and I'm afraid by the time it gets here, things may be completely out of control.
So please don't be concerned if in the next few weeks you see a Sasquatch-type figure in the western Kansas area - it's just me and my crazy pregnancy hair! :)
Thankfully, the pregnancy hormones seem to be primarily affecting my hair. You hear stories about women who kind of go off the deep end and get really emotional. So far there has been only one evening when I was tired and frustrated and started crying for basically no reason. Otherwise, I feel like I've been able to keep the crazy to a minimum, but at least I've got a great husband who can take that sort of thing in stride. :)
Thankfully, the pregnancy hormones seem to be primarily affecting my hair. You hear stories about women who kind of go off the deep end and get really emotional. So far there has been only one evening when I was tired and frustrated and started crying for basically no reason. Otherwise, I feel like I've been able to keep the crazy to a minimum, but at least I've got a great husband who can take that sort of thing in stride. :)
Like usual, May and June have been busy months. We've had two baby showers - one back in my hometown and one in Lakin. At both we were beyond blessed by the generosity of family and friends. During the last two months we also AI'd our cows, helped with Bible School, attended a graduation, and started wheat harvest, just to name a few.
At the end of May I was so thankful to get to spend a couple of hours with my friend Bethany and her sweet baby girl, Eleanor. In college God used Bethany to help guide me in developing a closer relationship with Christ. For the past couple of years Bethany and her husband, Morgan, have been in India working and sharing the gospel, but they came back to the states to have their little girl. It was so great to get to see them before they returned to India.
My sisters put on a baby shower for me in my hometown over Memorial Day weekend. It was so great to see family and friends that I don't get to catch up with very often.
I definitely wasn't the only pregnant lady there. Out of a relatively small group of women, five of us there were pregnant and there were a couple other pregnant ladies who weren't able to make it.
We were blessed to get a lot of nice things, and my grandma made a baby quilt for us that we loved. One side of it matches the quilt she gave Taylor and I for our wedding (which goes perfectly with our nursery) and the other side had a barn, silo and cow.
Eryka and Roshel put on a great shower for us in Lakin with a "Cute as a Button" theme. They did such a good job, and again we were so very blessed by the people who came to support us and bring us gifts to help us get ready to welcome this little baby into our lives.
I was also very grateful for my sister, Katie, who came out to Lakin for the shower and helped me organize and put away all the gifts. With her help it only took a couple of hours, where I probably would have spent an entire day trying to figure out what to do with everything. :)
The past few weeks have felt like we lived in Iowa or something. We have gotten a tremendous amount of rain which is extremely unusual for our area, especially this time of year. It has definitely slowed down the wheat harvest, but we'll never complain about getting rain. It's really giving our fall crops a great start. (Although I do hope we are able to make some good progress from here on out, or I'm afraid I may go into labor in a tractor) :)
I'm driving grain cart again this year, but Stewart got a new tractor and it is extremely nice. It makes for a pretty smooth ride for me and the baby! :)
I did have to go to Wal-mart and buy some scrub pants so I can adjust the waistband to fit my needs. At 8 months pregnant I needed something I could wear comfortably sitting in a tractor for the majority of the day. Between my overalls and my scrub pants, I am definitely styling! :)
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and agains the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
The lesson that accompanied this Scripture was one I felt we all needed to be reminded of from time to time. Too often I feel like we tend to ignore the devil, and that is exactly what he wants - for us to ignore him, so he can work in our lives. Instead we need to recognize him, and call him out and ask God to help us fight against him. Jesus overcame the devil and sin and death and He will help us if we ask him.
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week!