Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Only Time It's Okay to Lie

            I can usually get along with most people, but there’s one type of person I can’t stand – a liar.
            Honesty is one of the most important qualities a person can have in my opinion, especially in an intimate relationship like a marriage. And I don't mean honest simply when asked a direct question – I mean honest as in not even trying to mislead or sugarcoat things. Even if I don’t think Taylor is going to like what I have to say, I try very, very hard to always tell him the truth.
            That being said, there is one circumstance when I will, without hesitation, look you in the face and lie to you - and I won't even feel bad about it.
            If I am in the early stages of pregnancy and not yet ready to tell people, I will do all I can to mislead them from that truth… And lately I’ve been doing a lot of lying. ;)

            Taylor and I are expecting another baby in mid July. Adding Taylee to our lives and becoming parents has been the most amazing gift God could have given us, so we’re really excited to see what this next baby will further bring to our family!

We told my family when we went back to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday earlier this month, and then we waited to surprise Taylor's family during our Christmas Eve celebrations.
It was an exciting Christmas knowing we were going to be sharing our news, but Taylor and I were both really excited to watch Taylee this Christmas. 
She didn't seem to care too much about unwrapping the presents, but she did enjoy playing with her many new toys once we got them out of the boxes.

Taylor and I got her a baby doll and stroller that she really seems to enjoy. We figured it would be a good training tool for her new little brother or sister (we are going to wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl - nothing beats getting that wonderful surprise in the delivery room!)

With the Christmas season having just gone by, this Scripture was very fitting, and one I particularly liked.
"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May your word to me be fulfilled." Luke 1:38

I pray that I would be able to respond to the Lord's requests of me the way Mary did - by being a simple, humble servant, seeking to put God's will above my own.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
