Thursday, September 21, 2017

My Memory Needs a Lot of Work

I do not claim to have a good memory.
Some people say, "I don't remember names, but I can remember faces." I can't even say that - both names and faces frequently elude my recollection. (About the only thing I feel I can remember better than most are quotes from Walt Disney movies). ;)
Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that my husband, Taylor, has a much better memory than me, there's a good chance we wouldn't be married.

I met Taylor in Psychology class at K-State... that I remember. But actually Taylor and I first met at a Thanksgiving party a couple months earlier. I was dating someone else at the time, but apparently Taylor sat down next to me on the couch at one point during the party and we had a conversation.
I remember none of it. Thankfully Taylor remembered me and reintroduced himself before our first psychology class. By this time I was no longer dating anyone, and from there the rest is history.

I think a lot of times my lack of memory is simply a result of a lack of a concentrated effort on my part. It can be frustrating to be around someone who obviously can remember me when I have no clue who they are. It makes me feel terribly rude.
But in all actuality this scenario is simply an inconvenience.
Last week while listening to an audio book called "The Insanity of God" I heard a true story about a group of young adults in Russia who were at some sort of Christian conference in the 1950s, and they were challenged to see how much of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John they could remember. Working as a group they were able to write all four gospels in their entirety with fewer than 10 mistakes.
And this was during a time when they could be persecuted for their faith.
It makes me ashamed to say, even as someone who has given her life to Christ, who reads her Bible or does devotions daily (and can do so without persecution) - if I had been in that group of Russians, I would have been able to add very, very little to their efforts.

One Scripture I do know is Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
If I truly want to know Christ more and be a better disciple for Him, then I need to learn His Word - not just simply read it, letting it pass straight through my brain. I need it where I can draw it to mind. I need it for reference when real-life situations bring me up short. I want His Word in my heart where He can speak to me through it.
So I'm going to make it a goal to learn one new Scripture per week. I'm going to put it on the lock screen of my phone, and each time I unlock my phone I want to recite the Scripture. The Bible app I have on my phone has easily savable Scriptures that I think will work well for this. This is the Scripture I'm going to work on this week.

Since my last blog...
Taylee turned one and started walking. She's on the go constantly now! Her favorite thing is to go outside.

Taylor and I celebrated 6 years of marriage. We celebrated by spending a day at the zoo with some good friends.

We had some wonderful time with family as they stopped to visit on their way to and from vacation in Colorado

 And we got to meet Taylee's new twin cousins!

Hope you all have a great rest of the week! Best of luck with all the things you want to remember. :)


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